Accredited calibration Labs
What does accreditation mean?
Accredited calibration Labs are Labs which are certified from national accreditation authorities. The labs have to apply for accreditation and have to pass a certain audit to be listed as accredited lab and registered under a certain registration number. The audit has to be repeated regularly and extended if the field of the activities of the lab will change.
The advantage for the customer:
The accreditation confirms that the lab fulfils the requirement of the standard ISO 17025 “Calibration and Testing Laboratories”. This guaranties a constant quality of measurements on a high level. The customer can rely on the results of certificates supplied by the calibrating lab.
Seibersdorf Laboratories is accredited by Akkreditierung Austria according to:
Accredited test house No. 0312
- Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC
- Laser, LED & Lamp Safety
Accredited calibration laboratory No. 0612
- Antennas and field probes
- Radio frequency equipment
Worldwide Acceptance
Akkreditierung Austria 0312 and Akkreditierung Austria 0612 is recognised in all EA (European co-operation for accreditation) member states and since 2002 also in all ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) since Austria is a member of these organisations and therefore accepted worldwide.
Items like traceability, calculation of measurement uncertainty and the calibration certificates are carried out according to ISO 17025. Therefore, the calibration certificates are accepted in all EA and ILAC member states.
QM-System ISO 9001
The Quality Management System of Seibersdorf Laboratories is certified according to ISO 9001 since 1994.