We are pleased to send you the "RF-Engineering“ Newsletter 1/2016 from Seibersdorf Laboratories.
New Version of CISPR 25
The new version of CISPR 25, Edition 4.0 was published on October 27th.
Annex J describes the procedure for validating the ALSE (absorber lined shielded enclosure). Does your ALSE meet the new requirements?
Seibersdorf Labor GmbH already implemented the procedures and tested many ALSEs worldwide. Two methods are described for the validation: RMM (reference measurement method) and LWM (modelled long wire antenna method), both for the frequency range 150 kHz to 1 GHz.
More information (also about the procedures developed by Seibersdorf to validate in the frequency range 1 to 3 GHz) can be found here:
>> https://rf.seibersdorf-laboratories.at/products-services/site-validation/alse
Regular Calibration of EMC Test Sites
The EMC test site (Semi – and Fully – Anechoic Room) of an accredited test house has to be calibrated on a regular basis like all test instruments. It is a requirement of ISO 17025 to demonstrate the compliance of the test site at regular intervals.
Our new service for the regular recalibration of EMC test sites will help to minimize the test time on-site in order to reduce the down time for EMC testing. For test sites, which were previously calibrated by Seibersdorf Laboratories, we grant a reduction in price.
Further information can be downloaded at:
>> Download Leaflet
Calibration: FREE Return-Shipment within Europe
From 2017 the return shipment of calibrated RF-equipment (like antennas, field probes, cables, LISNs, clamps, comb generators) is free of charge within Europe.
For field probes the free return shipment was available since 2016 and due to the positive customer feedback Seibersdorf Laboratories extends this service now to all other RF equipment.
>> Email Calibration Request
Calibration of Field Probes at High Fieldstrength
Radiated immunity testing for automotive or space/military applications has to be done at very high field strength levels of several hundred V/m. The field probe used for levelling the desired field strength should be calibrated properly at those values, especially the linearity is relevant.
The procedure Seibersdorf Laboratories is using for it’s accredited calibration service can calibrate up to 1200 V/m:
1 GHz – 4 GHz: 1.2 kV/m
4 GHz – 12 GHz: 600V/m
12 GHz – 18 GHz: 300V/m
>> Download Leaflet
China: Contract Signing
On October 25th, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed in Guangzhou (China) between Seibersdorf Labor GmbH and two partners, the Guangzhou Institute of Measuring and Testing Technology (GIMT) and ATS Technology Ltd. The aim is to establish a high quality site validation service by combining local resources with Seibersdorf testing Know How.