Publications Site Validation

Radio Frequency Engineering

2018 - Ground loops during site validation of anechoic rooms below 30 MHz

Alexander Kriz

2018 IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal/Power Integrity (EMC+SIPI), Long Beach, California, USA, July 30st - August 3rd, 2018

Building up a ground loop is a very common mistake when validating anechoic rooms below 30 MHz, because this is not an issue in the frequency ranges above. It is required to measure a Site Attenuation of nearly 120 dB, but a ground loop can limit this to 63.1 dB. So a large systematic error will occur. There are several possibilities to avoid a ground loop by using battery powered devices, an isolation transformer or an RF transformer. Special care has to be taken to recognize all ground loops which can be formed by communication cables and reference frequency links. Also, a ground loop can be formed by the installed cables which are routed below the ground plane. 

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